Saturday, April 30, 2016

Friday's Hunt #18...

For some reason this seems like a long week!  I've been confused about what day it is, all week long...but today I know it's finally Saturday.  The teenager in the other room drinking some tea is a dead giveaway!  I'm glad she has a day with no commitments for once.

On to Friday's Hunt...

I'm glad Teresa gives us extra time to get our posts done, because I'm struggling to get anything written in a timely manner.  "Spring training", as someone put it lately, is keeping us stepping!

Starts with "R"...

We finally got some much needed rain the past few days...

It didn't amount to a whole lot, but it sure helped!

I found raindrops in some fun places...

My "week's favorite" has to do with flowers and plants, of course!

I made a trip to the green house this week, and came home with a couple flats of plants...

It's a little early to plant tomatoes, but I bought them anyway.  I'll let them sit on the porch for a few days until the ground dries out enough to plant them.  I don't plant a lot of annuals, but Coleus are some of my favorite.  I fill pots on the porch with these beauties. These beautiful shades of Gerbera daisies caught my eye, and I couldn't resist bringing  a couple of them home either...

And last night I was enjoying these lilacs on my windowsill.  They have a nice soft, airy texture that I enjoy...

The fragrance isn't so bad, either!

I just love spring!!


  1. Beautiful pictures of the flowers. I love lilacs and Coleuses. Thanks for the tour!

  2. I'm glad you got some rain, and it sure made for some beautiful photos. We ended up with 3.40" so we aren't moving cattle today, as we'd planned. Why plan when you farm?

    Enjoy the lilacs and your weekend!

  3. I can smell those lilacs from here!! -Jenn

  4. Glad you got your rain. Lovely photos. Spring is a wonderful time of year.

  5. Last Monday we got 1/2" of rain and I was as happy as a pig in mud!

  6. You've chosen some of my favourite plants, the ones my mother grew and I've loved ever since - Coleus and Gerberas. I've just pulled out the last of my summer tomatoes. Glad you've had some rain - love those raindrops.

  7. pretty blooms, and yay for rain! we got a swath of it again in texas. :)

  8. Alica, You got some good shots. The rain gauge is great. We have not gotten as much rain as we need. I see several others in the link up had rain pics. Sylvia D.

  9. Rain and flowers....springtime treasures!

  10. Hello there, I love the photo of the Coleus. The first picture of the rain gauge is also very nice and refreshing. I wish we had more rain out here, we're pretty dry to say the very least. I enjoyed your post and am looking forward to visiting again for the next Friday's Hunt.

  11. I so wish I could smell those!

  12. I hear you about running late with all the spring busy-ness. Glad you got some rain. I think we ended up with nearly two inches throughout last week. The flowers are beautiful! Thank you so much for joining Friday's Hunt.


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