Winter finally feels like it's threatening to pay us a visit, and the dogs are finding warm places to sleep at night. They have numerous options...upstairs in the barn in either the sawdust pile, the hay mow or the straw mow (their usual first choice) the dog house with the flannel blanket...or downstairs in the barn with the cows. We let the door open so they can go in and out as they please.
This morning when we went out to milk, I found Phoebe curled up in the cow stable in a pile of corn fodder...
Last night this bale was intact, but by this morning, she had torn it apart and made a nice warm nest for sleeping. She's a late riser, and was still quite sleepy and calm when I found her. I actually curled up beside her for a few minutes before I had to get back to work!
Some may think she made a mess by tearing up a fodder bale...but since it was going into the gutter in a few short hours anyway, I call it "being resourceful"! :)