We both liked the flowers in the bird bath...
And I love the vibrant colors of the yarrow and day lilies by the garage...
So...today I was inspired to get to work in my own gardens. I pulled weeds, sprayed weeds, and trimmed with the weed eater where I hadn't had time on Saturday after mowing.
I was
I drove down and asked if they would be willing to let me come and get some scoops with the skid loader for my shrubs.
I offered to pay, but the guy in charge said that I could have all I wanted for free, and here's the kicker...he offered to deliver as much as I wanted this afternoon!! Yes!
He brought me three truck loads of wood chips, which was about the equivalent of twelve skid loader scoops, and put them on a pile behind the barn...
Jim offered to help by running the skid loader...
...and in about forty five minutes we were finished! He dumped, and I spread the wood chips out thickly with my sturdy metal rake. There are still a couple of scoops left, so as it settles, I can fill in the low spots.
My butterfly bush is a little straggly looking here...it barely survived the winter for some reason...
Now all I have to do is tidy up my edges (tomorrow??) and it will be another project complete!
Oh...and did I mention that it was another fabulous, gorgeous, almost perfect weather kind of day today?! Icing on the cake!