Showing posts with label creek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creek. Show all posts

Monday, April 20, 2015

Sunday Afternoon Stroll...Part 2...

Yesterday afternoon after walking around in the school yard and taking in the view, Jim and I continued down the road on our walk.  He suggested walking down to the Pequea Creek, which is well hidden across our neighbors' fields, down in the valley and in the woods...

I'd never seen it, but had heard about how beautiful it was!  We ran into our Amish neighbor who was walking home from Church.  He didn't mind us walking through his fields, so off we went...

We discovered that we aren't the only ones with ground hog holes in our fields. There were a lot of active holes along this fence line...

Finally, after crawling under a fence and heading to the lowest point in the meadow, we found a stream.  It sure didn't look big enough to be the Pequea...

Across the stream in a meadow, we saw an old abandoned Amish cattle trailer. How do we know it was Amish, other than the fact that we were on Amish owned land?  The wheels are metal without rubber tires.

We weren't sure what the ruins behind the trailer were from...

We wondered along the creek through the woods. The ground was just covered with all of these tiny, pretty yellow flowers.  Along the creek bank was a lot of burn hazel too.  I was really thankful for my blue jeans!

And here you go...this was the Pequea Creek.  What we had stumbled on first was just a small stream that branched off.  The water wasn't too clean, but it was pretty anyway...

I had no idea that this was hidden down here!  I had heard talk about it, but never seen it in the twenty one years that we've lived here...

I just love to sit by a creek and listen to the water run!  It shouts "spring"!

In this video, I mention the ruins that we see on either side of the creek.  We thought maybe it was an old bridge foundation, but I found out this morning from a neighbor that it was the ruins of an old dam.  Years ago the dam broke, and the neighbor's farm gained about seven or eight acres of land that had once been underwater!

We headed back after while, and found this guy...still standing in the field where he had been when we first walked through.  He was scolding us, and was clearly not happy that we were invading his space.  Maybe there was a nest nearby?

After a long trek back across the fields and uphill this time, we hit the road and headed for home...

I hope you enjoyed going along on our walk!  You never know what kind of treasures you might find hidden away across the fields, down in the valley and behind the trees!