She must have climbed up on the barn roof at a low point to stalk a bird...that's the only thing we can think of. Regardless, she ended up on the north side of the barn in the rain spout...scared...
Can you spot her?
All she would have needed to do, is to go back up to the peak of the roof and down the other side, to a low spot, from where she could've easily jumped down, but no...that would've been too simple. And yes, the slate roof is slippery, so maybe it wouldn't have been as simple as I think.
The Virginia cousins are here for Eric's graduation, so we put them to work. Maria, Curtis and Eric set up the big extension ladder, and Jenna did camera duty...
I don't like heights, but I decided to climb up, because Jolyn trusts me, and I knew she would sit on my shoulder on the way down. She watched closely...
...and sat on my shoulder, just like I thought she would, and began purring as soon as she knew she was safe...
All in the name of adventure.
Next time, stay on the ground, Jolyn!