One of our neighboring Amish farmers had sale today....
One of the married sons will be taking over the farm. The cows will be sold, and he will be growing produce and raising beef cattle, so there was a lot of equipment for sale today.
How do you have a sale just days after a major blizzard?
I asked one of the sons what they did, and he said they hired someone to come in and move snow. And move it they did! There was a cleared area for parking...
...and a snowbank for scooters...
The horses were unhitched and spent their morning in the barn...
As we walked in, we were greeted by the wonderful smell of barbecue chicken. Neighbor Leroy was in charge of this, and it was delicious! Proceeds from the food stands at Amish sales usually go to benefit someone...either a family in need, or in this case, the school where most of the neighbor kids attend...
The home made soft pretzels were good too...
While the women hung out in either the house or the shop where food was served, the men gathered out behind the barn to bid on or watch the farm equipment sell...
Temps are in the 40's today, so there was an abundance of mud. I sure hope these guys take their boots off before they go in the house...
The last thing to sell were the mules. The boys led them back and forth between the crowd. They sold for $2500 - $3500 each...
They're huge animals, but so well trained...
It's always fun to go to these sales and spend time with our neighbors. Everyone enjoys talking and catching up on the latest news in the neighborhood, and supporting the family having sale.
And I was especially glad not to have to make lunch today!