Jim over seeded the meadow earlier in the week, we've been working on repairing some fencing, I've been brainstorming about how to keep my renegade chickens in their pen, we had snow guards put on the barn roof (and have had no snow to speak of!!), and we've finally been able to get some excavating work started.
We have several water ways on the farm...all part of a conservation plan intended to channel water to the correct spots and avoid excess erosion and run off. The one waterway needed some work, but it's been challenging to get it done, because the ground hasn't been able to dry out. We've just had too much moisture! This week, they finally had a chance to get it started...
Wouldn't it be fun to push dirt around with this...
There were several dump truck loads of beautiful topsoil that they dumped along the other waterway. Jim used some of it to fill in some ruts...
...and we used some of the rest of it to fill in some areas in the yard that need to be reseeded. The rest of it...I'm hoping to put on my garden! It could use some fresh soil worked in with all those decaying leaves before I begin planting in late April!
As for the excavating project...there's still more to do. The bottom end of the waterway needs to be cleaned out, and we need to have some tiling done. It's still too wet, however, so it could be a while until we can finish. Hopefully this spring won't be nearly as wet as last spring, and it will happen sooner rather than later!
But...it's raining today...