For a while now, some of you (you know who you are!) have been asking for this! So here it is...for my friends who are curious about life on a dairy farm, and for those of you who are just...curious...
I make no claims to be a great writer...what you read is how I see it. So enjoy a slice of life on the farm, and learn a bit about what it's like to be 'married to the cows"!
Farming is a marriage of sorts. It's a lifestyle, not just an occupation. We are in it for the duration...on call 24/7/365. The cows don't take off for birthdays, anniversaries or neither can we!
Jim and I have been happily married (to each other) for almost 17 years, and married to our cows for just over 16 years.
We've enjoyed a lot of good times on the farm...high milk prices, healthy cows, good growing seasons, lots of help to throw haybales, eating meals together as a family, working together, the satisfying feeling of falling into bed feeling like we'd earned our sleep, and a few quick weekends away.
We've also endured some rough times...rock bottom milk prices, praying over sick animals, rained on hay, scrambling for help, eating breakfast at noon and supper at 9pm, short tempers, exhaustion, and 2 1/2 years with no time away together as a family.
But just like in a marriage, you take the good along with the not so good, and make it work!
We enjoy living on the farm and the opportunity to raise our children in the way that we both were raised...enjoying the outdoors, learning the value of hard work, and seeing God at work in many ways...
I hope you enjoy reading occasional posts about our life on the farm and I welcome your comments!