I'm a list maker, a list checker-offer, and I thrive on routine and knowing what to expect in my day. Well...
Last night I made lists of all the things that needed to happen today, ALL of which seemed to be very important. The lists went something like this...
* take child #1 to school early at 7am
* take child #2 to school at 8:30
* check on neighbor and deliver his newspaper
* complete recipe forms for a cookbook project
* deliver piano accompaniment to a friend from Church so she can practice before Sunday
* mail important package at post office
* get to the library to do some online things with speedy internet
* do barn laundry and hang it out
* start cleaning up the yard
* go for a run
Of course in the midst of all those IMPORTANT things, were the usual morning barn chores. Yes, Jim could do them himself, but it's much, much nicer with two people!
So...we began our morning...
The first three items were accomplished in short order. On to the barn. We had several cows to watch for heats, so all the cows went out while we gave them fresh bedding. The hammer mill came to grind corn, and Jim headed over to the other farm to feed the heifers.
I've just started running, and this morning I decided to run to the other farm and catch a ride back with him. Well...yes, I made it!...but when I got there, Jim had found a new addition. Lazarus had freshened early, and had a beautiful heifer calf!
That's when the day fell apart!
You see...heifers in particular can be STUBBORN! Both of the heifers that we took to the other farm planted their feet and would. not. move. What should have taken perhaps 30 minutes max, took over 1 1/2 hours!
In between moving heifers, I tried to hang out my laundry, and dropped clean clothes onto my muddy barn boots. Ugh.
The package has not been mailed... the music has not yet been delivered...the recipes are not complete...the yard is still a mess with sticks and other wintry things...the laundry is still hanging on the line, and I've not been to the library to do my speedy-internet things! I'll be honest with you...this was one of those days that we'd rather undo and start over. Why is being flexible so difficult? It was nobody's fault...it just happened...and tomorrow will probably be much better! :)
I usually try to write about the good things...the fun things that happen on the farm, but today I decided to be honest about how some days go!
But...we have a healthy heifer calf, a healthy Mama, and my daffodils bloomed today! So maybe the day wasn't wasted, after all!
Can you guess what we named Lazarus' new baby?
And now...if you'd like to read some more farm blogs, head over to Farm Friend Friday at Verde Farm!