You know how you feel when your hair gets really long...and shaggy...and dirty?
Let me rephrase the question...
You know how it feels when you get a fresh hair cut? How your head feels a lot lighter...and your hair feels so fresh and clean?
I would imagine that the cows feel the same way!
Over winter, the cows grow their thick, winter coats. They tend to collect dirt...sawdust that is used for bedding...fodder that is used in the gutters behind them...silage that they toss back onto their backs...and yes, manure that splatters on them from their impolite neighbors. This is a good time of year to get some clipping done, since our afternoons aren't so busy. Some of the cows don't like the sound or feel of the clippers, so they're out of luck...but a lot of them seem to enjoy it.
It's like a spa day...and I think they are glad for their fresh hair cuts!