Here's what I saw...
This is a new peony for me. It came from a neighbor a few years ago, but for a variety of reasons, this is the first year it's bloomed. It was worth the wait...
The roses (also from a neighbor, who grew them from cuttings off his own bushes) are just loaded with blooms...
The red hot poker is doing it's thing...
Next I walked through the vegetable garden. I planted a new patch of strawberries this spring. Although you're supposed to pick the blossoms off the first year to allow the plant to grow strong, I cheated a little and left just a berry or two to ripen...
I'm trying tomatoes again this year. I can't figure it out, but for some reason I have trouble getting my tomatoes to fully ripen. I use a lot for canning, and figured I'd try again, rather than buying them. Any advice?
My green beans are up behind the tomatoes, and we planted a second batch of radishes in between the cages...
The early veggies...cabbage, lettuce, beets, onions and potatoes are loving the weather we've had this spring so far. I'm growing my cucumbers in cages so they climb and save space...
The dog follows me everywhere! I was also watched closely by this...
And by these two...Dilly and Pickles...
...and by this ornery looking newborn. I just wonder what she'll be like when she's older, hmmmm...
She (and others like her!) are the sole reason that I put plant supports around my (?!) squash...
I don't put them there because they'll do the plants any good, but because they might protect them just a little