Showing posts with label growing up on the farm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label growing up on the farm. Show all posts

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Hmmm...maybe sentimentality isn't really a word...but it's what I've been feeling this weekend.

This has nothing to do with farming...but it has every thing to do with the farm kids, so therefore it qualifies as a valid post!

On Friday, our oldest finished Middle School, and will be moving on to High School in August.  And...will be getting his driver's permit in less than a year. taller than both of us.  Yikes!

Our youngest "graduated" from sixth grade, and we said goodbye to elementary school forever.  You know, that familiar, "safe" place where you know all the teachers, and they all know you by name...where your kids have spent more time than they have at home (or so it it seems) for the past nine years...

So I decided to reminisce a bit...about when they were little.  I didn't ask their permission, so I might be in the dog house for these pictures, but I just had to post a few of them ...

Helping to feed calves...

He loved riding around on the scooter and wearing the straw hat that belonged to our Amish helper...

This is still her job...but now she's bigger than the broom...

One year we planted some Mycogen brand corn for silage, and it grew and grew and grew some more.  It sure dwarfed him...

I could have posted a lot more pictures, but these were some of my favorites. 

It just goes to show how time flies...They are now fifteen and twelve, and we are getting old older too.  

But would we really have it any other way?