Once again it's time for another Friday's Hunt post. Thanks Teresa, for hosting again!
This week's prompts are...
Starts with F...
We've had two fresh cows this week, and are expecting two or three more at any time! For those of you unfamiliar with farmer lingo, a fresh cow is a cow that has just had a calf. This cow just had her third calf, but we have a slew of two year old heifers that will soon be freshening and joining the milking herd...
*the correct answer to yesterday's post about this cow and her unusual birth is...the calf was born backwards...or breech. The fact that both the cow and calf were facing the same direction indicates that the calf was born back feet first. Normally the calf presents it's two front feet first, with the nose on top of the feet...as if were taking a dive headfirst off a diving board. You can quickly determine that the calf is breech if the bottom of the hooves are pointing upwards. (think about how the bottoms of your feet are face up as you enter the water from a dive) It's usually a little more difficult calving, and the cow often needs a bit of assistance when this happens. Jim peeked in on her, noticed right away what was going on, and was able to help her without complications. The calf was big, but she is an experienced mother, and that was definitely to her benefit!
The second prompt is "week's favorite"...
Yesterday was my Mom's 83rd birthday, and tonight my Dad invited us down to their house for a birthday party. Definitely a favorite from this week!
The last one is "negative space"...
I'm a novice photographer, but when I looked up what it meant, and looked at some of the other photos, I came up with this one. It's from a snow storm about five or six years ago, but I was able to find it! The focus is on the milk truck of course, but I thought the blowing blinding snow gives the proper effect. And yes, it really did look like that on that very cold winter day. I remember it clearly...
To see more entries for Friday's Hunt with Teresa at Eden Hills, click here.