There's something about split rail fences that makes them one of my favorites...especially when they're old and weathered.
This one runs around two sides of our rental property...
This fence has been around for probably about 45 years, and its definitely old, weathered, and in need of repair. Over time, the rails have fallen down...been put back up again...fallen down again...and some of them have been replaced. We've had trouble finding new rails long enough to fit between the old posts, so Jim had these extension pieces made. Up close, it changes the look of the fence, but at a distance you can't tell, and it's working for now...
In another week, this section of fence will be especially pretty, with clumps of blooming daffodils underneath...
...and later this summer, the grape vine (that desperately needs pruning) will provide grapes for some juice and a couple of batches of jelly!
What's your favorite kind of fence?
Click HERE for more Good Fences!