Before I became a Mom ...and knew how much work it would be...I wished for twins. Thankfully, God knew better than I did, and blessed us with one at a time!
In the barn, we can't find much good about twins. Here are some reasons...
-twins are hard on a cow...there's a higher likelihood of complications during birth.
-often times, the cow doesn't clean (she retains the placenta) and then she is prone to an infection.
-twins are often born early, so it catches us off guard
-early calves tend to be small, and have a harder time thriving
-when twins are mixed...a bull and a heifer...the heifer is often sterile, which is useless in a dairy herd
-twins heifers can reproduce...however they are prone to having twins themselves, and then the cycle continues!
These two little ones above were just born this morning. The one on the left was born first, and the second one surprised us awhile later.
This is our third set of twins in the past three months.
The first set was a pair of heifers (the 3rd set of twins born to a Mom who is a twin herself!) Their Mom had a really hard time recovering, but is now doing fine.
The second set was also a pair of heifers, but like I mentioned above, sometimes twin births are complicated, and one did not survive.
This morning's twins are both healthy bull calves, and will be sold.
Cute as they may be, we'll take single calves every time!