Can it really be just two weeks ago that we were wet and cold and worried? The fields were much, in fact, that we were concerned about the corn rotting in the ground. The rain was relentless...
We were chilly...flannel shirts in May?
Well it's sure changed in a hurry. The past week has brought muggy sunshine to good old Lancaster County...the corn is up (and mostly doing better than expected), the grass needs cut every 4 days or so...and the flannels have long been forgotten. Actually, they're still hanging in the barn, waiting to be washed and put away until fall! The calves' water buckets need filled often...the fans are all running in the barn...and it feels like August out there.
Just after lunch today, I checked the thermometer. In the sun, it read over 100 degrees. Yesterday at my neighbor's it read 90 degrees in the shade!
So what do you do when you need to cool off?
You find a cool spot under a bush, dig a hole, and settle in until sundown.
On another note...yesterday I received an "award" from fellow blogger Debbie at Swampbilly Ranch!
I'm new to this, but apparently I'm now to tell you seven things about myself...and pass the award on to someone else! So I'll give it a shot...

1. I am the youngest of four girls...and I am/was NOT spoiled...don't listen to them!!
2. I met my husband when I cashed his paycheck at the drive-up window of the bank where I worked...22 years ago...
3. I ran my first 5K this spring...slow, but I finished...
4. I don't like to write! But story telling is fun...
5. I would much rather be outside in my flower beds than inside cleaning my house...
6. In eight grade, the year the Phillies won their first World Series, I could have told you just about everything about every one of the players...and I do mean everything!
7. Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate
I enjoy reading a number of different blogs, but I think I'll pass this one on to Buttons, at Button's Thoughts. Stop by and check out her beautiful pics and interesting posts!