Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My 7 Links...

It's been just over a year since I've started blogging, and a lot of water has gone under the bridge!  I hardly remember some of my earliest posts, so this comes at a good time for me...

Millie...a blogging goat...over at A Goat's View of Eden Hills, has quite a few interesting stories to tell about life on her farm.  She recently nominated me to do this post where I tell you about 7 of my posts.  This took me on a trip down memory lane...

My Most Beautiful Post...

This would have to be a tie...I love the beauty of springtime, shown here in this post...

May Showers

...but I also love the beautiful farmland...the lush, green fields, and this post shows a great perspective!  We're just about surrounded by development, but not quite!

Bird's Eye View

My Most Popular Post...

...I had no idea that so many people would google "meadow tea" and end up here!

Meadow Tea Recipe

My Most Controversial Post...

...I don't do controversy...but this might be controversial to some, especially to those who don't like the idea of eating meat, especially an animal that you've cared for...

It's Bittersweet

My Most Helpful Post...

...This is another tie...I did these two posts at the very beginning of my blogging.  Several friends who know nothing at all about farming wanted to know all about it...so here are the basics...

Dairy Farming 101 - part 1

Dairy Farming 101 - part 2

The Post Who's Success Most Surprised Me...

...This post also had a lot of hits...even before I had any followers...

Silo Filling (2010)

The Post That Didn't Get the Success I Think It Deserved...

...I thought this one was pretty interesting...but then again...maybe I didn't do a very good job of explaining it...

The Brains of the Barn

The Post I am Most Proud Of...

...and I'm most proud of this one, because I am TERRIFIED of heights, and I climbed the outside of the silo just to get these pictures.  And when I was halfway up, I heard a sound like a gunshot!  Made me stop in my tracks...the tractor running the blower shut down, and everyone looked around, trying to figure out the source of the noise.  Check out the last picture on the post to see where it came from...

Silo Filling - 2011

It's been fun reminiscing and coming up with these 7 links.  I hope you enjoy them!

Now it's my turn to pass this on to another blogger...

I think I'll pass this one on to Janis, at Animal Instinct.  I have enjoyed following blogs from as many different states as possible, and she has a herd of cattle in Vermont.  Lovely scenery...interesting tales to tell...stop over and check it out!


  1. I to started blogging just over a year ago . I enjoy blogging following and reading others goings on its like having friends all over the world. I cant remember all my posts either since I realized I have posted about 300 of them. I enjoyed your post about past posts ! Have a wonderful eve.

  2. ohh i love this way of remembering your post. I have not been blogging long enough but i really like the idea!

    And about the corn chopping.... we haven't started yet so i can't sent you any pictures yet!

    How are you guys and chopping??

  3. Wasn't it fun to browse through the old posts. I remember most of these, but a couple were new! I love the birds eye view of your farm. It's very beautiful (and yummy looking)!

  4. That was fun. I'm proud of you on the silo one and I totally understand the brains of the barn. Thanks for the trip it was nice.

  5. Oh Alica I like this post it was nice to go back and see posts I never seen. I love your blog and yes farming has many things people either like or dislike but that is what it is. Love the photos. I still can't believe you climbed that silo. LOL B

  6. Like you i love looking at farmland. There's not many things more beautiful to look at really. Richard


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