Friday, August 5, 2011

4-H Roundup...

This weekend is the 4-H Roundup at our local fair grounds...

It's a practice fair for the 4-H members to show their animals...a great way to get experience with showmanship and also to see how your animal is doing overall.  Since this is Jenna's first time showing goats, she was eager to participate!

A lot of preparation goes into showing animals.  Earlier this week the goats were washed, clipped and washed again.  Jenna's 4-H leader came out to do the clipping.  Today they were washed one more time before we headed over to the fair grounds.  Thank goodness they enjoy it!

After weighing in, Jenna put them in their pen and had a few finishing touches to do...she put baby oil on their horns and baby powder on their knees to cover up the grass stains that wouldn't wash off...

And of course if there are treats involved, the goats are happy!  Jenna brought along some maple tree "helicopters" for them to eat...their favorites...

And then it was time for the show...

There are two competitions.  The 4-H'ers are judged on well they handle themselves and their goats, and then the goats are judged individually. 

After walking the goats around the ring in front of the judge, they are "set up", to show off their best qualities....

The novice class was for those who had never showed before, and Jenna placed near the middle of the class.  The judge gave lots of helpful hints to the kids to help them know where they were doing well, and where they needed to improve.

As for the goats themselves, she was a little disappointed at how they placed.  The competition was tough, and April didn't cooperate too well.  But then Dot did better than we was a fun learning experience! we have seven weeks to prepare for the real thing at the Lampeter Fair.  It's hard to believe that fall is just around the corner!


  1. We're heading to the fair too. It's alot of work. You know what though, it's alot of family time together. All summer we worked for these 4 days and that's all been spent together with a little blood, sweat , and tears added to it.

  2. The goats LIKE their baths~what's wrong with them?

  3. The first year is always such a learning experience. Hope she uses the next few weeks to her benefit.

  4. Oh this is so cool I love these shots. They should not be disappointed they look like they are having fun and that is the important part. I wish I had went to my fair. Darn hay. Take care Alica and have fun at the fair. B

  5. Oh no, you said the F-word "fall"! I know it's been so hot but I don't want to see summer go yet.

    What a great experience that must be for your daughter.

  6. ooh! I love fair season! We will look for Jenna goats when we go and give them a pep talk...Rhoda


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