Sunday, April 24, 2011

More Kids...

It's just been a few days since we've expanded our horizons into the goat world, but so far it's been going well.  The "kids" have been adjusting to their new surroundings and the dogs have become resigned to the fact that they aren't getting all the attention anymore!  Snickers lays outside the pen with her backside towards the goats.  I guess that's her way of saying, "I know they're here to stay, but I don't have to like it!"
Of course they're still a novelty, so the camera has been busy.

Don't you know?  Hay tastes much better if you climb into the rack to eat it...

Eating from the back side of the rack also makes it taste better...

The hay rack/feeding station we have was originally intended for calves, and it's much too high for the kids to reach the feed box. Dad made a little stand out of scrap wood for the goats to stand on. It worked a little too good, however.  Now they think that standing inside the box is fun!  We had to move the rack away from the fence, because acrobatic walking along the wide rail on top of the fence would have been just too tempting...

We've been enjoying getting to know the kids these past couple of days.  Their very distinct personalities are beginning to show...  I wonder what they think of us?   Do they like us?  Do they think we do crazy things?  One can only wonder...


  1. They are so much fun! Before long, you'll have to change the name of the blog--Happily Married to the Goats!

  2. We have to keep our trough tipped up on one end to keep ours from making it into a bed. When they get bigger and heavier they'll push that black plastic downward from their weight. We figured out that we have to always be one step ahead with the goats.

  3. The goats are cute! Should be a fun adventure for Jenna. From what I've seen of goats they do like to climb, a farm around here has a ramp and a stand in the trees for them. I think we visited it when you were here in Oregon a couple years ago.

  4. Cheryl - Yes! I remember that farm...and I have a picture of that goat looking down at us from up in the tree! Miss you!!

  5. Goats are fun and funny to watch, they can get into all kinds of things and will take over or at least try lol mischief makers they are they will also try to eat anything lol loads of character thats for sure you will have soo much fun ! Have a great day !

  6. Cute as buttons, they are. You just go and post as many photos as you want of the little dears. I love 'em. :)

  7. haha that is sooo funny!!!!
    They show they can eat in any position!



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