Thursday, January 5, 2017

What's Wrong With This Picture?

So...on this brisk wintry morning, I went to the chicken pen to check for eggs.

I found this...

Perhaps she's a bit confused as to her true identity?  Or maybe she was trying to trick the birds that steal chicken feed into thinking she was a chicken?  I had just asked her this morning if she had caught any birds or mice lately, but she didn't answer.  Maybe I planted a thought in her little kitty brain...

Better luck next time, Jolyn!


  1. Were the chickens bothered by her being there, or are they just used to her by now? -Jenn

    1. They didn't seem to mind it a bit! I guess they're used to her by now! :)

  2. Jolyn must have made friend with the chicken. Some of my barn cats have made friends with some calves and go get their head licked every morning. It's one was to keep clean without having to do it themselves, lol.
    Maybe Jolyn is the new security egg guard.

    Hugs, Julia

  3. Weirdest chicken that I have seen in a long time!

  4. She looks so cute in the nesting box.

  5. Maybe is was nice and warm in there in the straw. : )

  6. My kitty has been hanging out with the chickens too. I think there must be some mice around. Your kitty looks very warm and comfortable. I think she looks cute. I am glad you had your camera with you.

  7. I bet you don't have mice in the chicken coop!

  8. We had a cat that ate eggs. I'm afraid it killed him. Hope yours is just keeping warm.

  9. How sweet. I bet she just found a warm spot.

  10. Identity crisis! We've all been there.

  11. Aww, how cute is this! It's a perfect kitty-sized box!


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