Monday, March 10, 2014

Housecleaning For the Chickens...

Oh happy day!

It's been a long time coming, and today, finally (!!) I was able to get the chicken shed cleaned out.  I last did it in the fall, and then the snow came.  I have to fork or shovel it out by hand into wheel barrows, and just couldn't get to it until the snow melted.  I lost track, but there were at least ten wheel barrow loads full.

It looks so much better...and smells much better too!  They had to scratch around in the fresh straw a little, just in case there were any seeds in the straw, or any goodies hiding underneath it, and then they headed outside again...

The last thing I cleaned out was the nesting boxes.  One chicken was frantically running around, looking for somewhere to lay her egg, I guess! She crawled into a box before I was finished, and was rather restless.  I carefully put some straw underneath her, and this is what she left me in return...

They spent most of the day outside in the warm sunshine.  (It's been a while since we've had weather like this!)  As you can see, the pen is rather barren looking.  I'm really hoping the grass will grow back in time...

To help save the grass in their pen...and to keep them happy...I left the chickens out this afternoon for a while.  They made a beeline for the compost pile to hunt for treasure...

They will scratch to their hearts' content until I feed the calves tonight.  Then, I'll have to find something to lure them back into their pen.  Maybe some spilled calf feed will do the trick.  For now, they're pretty cooperative, but once they get used to being outside, it gets a little tougher to lure them back inside.  That's when I need the kids to help me round them up.

So...this is how I spent my Monday.  How about you?


  1. My first visit here. Found you on Kim's My Field of Dreams. I love the chickens....we used to have a little mini farm up north in WI....20 acres with a few cows, chickens, ducks, rabbits, dogs and cats. A BIG garden.....I sure did love it and really miss that life style.

    So when I read your gave me a happy I will be visiting you every day now, just to see what's going on, on your farm. Have a good day...oh and your day with the chickens sounds like fun. I learned so much watching the chickens and ducks. I would spend hours with them and then they would leave me precious eggs...loved it!!!

  2. Seems like just yesterday I cleaned out the coops, but it was back in October! Needs to be done again and the weather should be cooperative. I cleaned out some leftovers today so bread and potato chips were on the chickens' luncheon menu. :)

  3. happy chickens! gotta love it! good luck getting them rounded back up. :)

  4. Have you ever let them go back to the coop on their own? We have chickens and when it gets almost dark they go right to their coop and get on the sure helps me. All I have to do is remember to close the door. I love the photos of the chickens in the compost pile...:) Your cows are the header!

    1. Lisa...I could let them go back inside on their own...and most of them would. I'm a bit hesitant to try it though, because sometimes a couple of them wander pretty far and can't seem to find the gate! We'll see how it goes! :)

  5. Oh Spring must be coming if it is at your house. You work so very very hard I feel lazy when I read your posts, don't worry I am OK with that. Happy happy chickens yeah:) Hug B

  6. I'm right there needing to clean the chicken building too. Sadly, I'm out of straw and don't know where I can get some more. The guy I get it from is out...

  7. I spent my Monday with a group of second grade students. Kind of like persuading chickens to work on a nice spring day :)

  8. What a lovely way to spend the day, I am always so happy when my chicken pen is clean. The hens always seem so happy as well. I had mine out for awhile today but I have this evil hawk that thinks he needs a chicken dinner so they can't stay out very long.

  9. So glad you are finally getting a break in the weather. We will hit 75 today b4 another cool front tomorrow. We will "celebrate" with a doctor's app't. today and chemo tomorrow!

  10. Looks like you are having great weather, too! I dearly love chickens. My family has always been glad I live in an apartment. They figure I'd have a farm or zoo otherwise!

  11. They sure look like happy chickens in the compost!

  12. Your chicken girls look very happy indeed to be out enjoying the sunshine! :)

  13. Alica, I've never had grass in a chicken pen yet, after 20 years. As soon as it's gone, it's gone. When I let mine out in the afternoon, they come back in themselves as it starts to get dusk out, seeking their roosts. Then I go out at true dusk and lock their popholes and their pen gates.

  14. PS -- there is a link to the kielbasa recipe on my last post -- perhaps I need to change my setting so that links are better displayed?

  15. I hated cleaning the chicken coop in the spring. One of my least favorite chores, though I knew the chickens enjoyed.


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