Monday, June 25, 2018

More Gardening...

Yesterday afternoon my Mom and I went on a local garden tour.  It was a beautiful afternoon, although by the time we were finished, it was quite hot, and we were both ready for a nap!  I only took photos at this one place...and this was only the area directly behind the house and around the pool!  We didn't even venture further into the back yard here, as we had just done a lot of walking at the last place...

We both liked the flowers in the bird bath...

And I love the vibrant colors of the yarrow and day lilies by the garage... I was inspired to get to work in my own gardens.  I pulled weeds, sprayed weeds, and trimmed with the weed eater where I hadn't had time on Saturday after mowing.

I was a bit a lot appalled at how bad the weeds had begun creeping into the row of shrubs by my garden.  I knew that I wanted to mulch with bark chips rather than regular mulch here, since the chips last so much longer.  And...the golf course across the road has been chipping up tree limbs, fence posts, and all matter of wood scraps over the past few weeks, so...

I drove down and asked if they would be willing to let me come and get some scoops with the skid loader for my shrubs.

I offered to pay, but the guy in charge said that I could have all I wanted for free, and here's the kicker...he offered to deliver as much as I wanted this afternoon!!  Yes!

He brought me three truck loads of wood chips, which was about the equivalent of twelve skid loader scoops, and put them on a pile behind the barn...

Jim offered to help by running the skid loader...

...and in about forty five minutes we were finished!  He dumped, and I spread the wood chips out thickly with my sturdy metal rake.  There are still a couple of scoops left, so as it settles, I can fill in the low spots.

My butterfly bush is a little straggly looking barely survived the winter for some reason...

Now all I have to do is tidy up my edges (tomorrow??) and it will be another project complete!

Oh...and did I mention that it was another fabulous, gorgeous, almost perfect weather kind of day today?!  Icing on the cake!


  1. That was real luck to get all those wood chip for free and delivered. That will surly keep the weeds out and the moisture in.
    I still have a lot of weeding to do and garden restoration but I'm not pushing myself too hard. It's a bit disheartening to put so much effort to keep the weeds down when it all floats away with the flood water.

    Hugs, Julia

  2. Great score on the wood chips. That was a fantastic move and idea. My garden is non-existent this year it is a long story. I admire yours. Time with Mom is perfectly beautiful. Now for some reason I want cake with icing :) hugs B

  3. I admire people who have beautiful gardens. I wish it were something I enjoyed, but I guess we all have different interests and talents.


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