Friday, October 21, 2016

One Of Those Days...

It's been one of those days...

One of those weeks, really...

Way too much to do and not nearly enough time to do it.  I shouldn't really even be taking time to sit and write this post, but I'll make it quick!  I don't want to forget how sometimes when we feel overwhelmed, God puts just the right people into our lives at just the right place, at just the right time!

Here's some cuteness to go along with my "story"...


These dear, sweet puppies are some of what's taking up so much of my time.  I'll miss them like crazy when they go to their new homes, but in the meantime, it's like watching a whole bunch of toddlers that all have different ideas of what they want to do for fun.  They need to run...a we let them out numerous times through out the day...

I can't see their collars, so I don't know who is who here...
Anyway...the past few days have been just crazy busy.  Jim's been picking corn, I've been watching puppies and trying to get housework done in between milkings, etc.  Yesterday afternoon, our refrigerator decided it had had enough, and it bit the dust.  No fixing it.  I put perishables into coolers overnight, and this morning I headed out fridge shopping.

I don't need bells and whistles in a fridge, and am usually content with left over models or scratch and dent appliances.  I headed to the closest appliance store (which isn't known for their good prices) and got lucky. Really lucky.  They had a floor model fridge...a discontinued model way discounted...with two tiny scratches on the doors that they sold me...deliverable this afternoon...with no installation or delivery fee, and will take the old one away at no charge!

While I was running around looking for a fridge, Jim headed back to the field to finish picking corn, without having time to get the morning "chores" done.  Bedding up the cows, cleaning out gutters, etc got pushed to the side today.  While I was emptying out the old fridge, the phone rang.  I saw on the caller ID that it was our Amish neighbor who's son helps us three nights a week.  I assumed that she was calling to say that he couldn't come tonight. But NO...she was calling to say that he had a half day of school today and "would we have something he could help us with this afternoon?"

I could have cried.  I am so thankful that when life feels matter how insignificantly so...that God sometimes sends circumstances into our lives as a reminder to us that we matter!

And top it all off?  I found some chocolate in the crisper drawer while cleaning out the old fridge!   :) :)


  1. i love this post. i am like you - when those 'serendipitous' events come together, little gifts are sent when you need them, i thank God, my angels, my higher power, whatever spirit that gives us a boost. :)

  2. Oh I really love those puppies!!
    It's been quite a week for you!! Nice to know God looks out for us.
    God is Good. : )

  3. Chocolate solves a lot of problems! And you are 100% right, God is good!

  4. What a day filled with blessings it turned out to be! I love this post, and the sweet reminder of just how much we are loved and how blessed we are!! Reminds me to look for blessings amidst the trial... thank you :)


  5. Alicia,
    Way to find the positive in the challenges of your day.

    Hope all goes well as you finish up harvest. Yeah for finding a great deal on the fridge. It's kinda fun to be a wheeler dealer, lol. When you are in the midst of chaos it's the little bit of extra help that makes you stop, be grateful and know all is going to be OK.


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