Monday, July 16, 2012

Dilly and Pickles...

Here are a few recent picures of Jenna's goats...

Dilly is doing well after his episode with Urinary Calculi.  We know it may recurr, but so far it hasn't.  We've been doing some preventative measures and hoping for the best.  He might not be quite as "fleshy" as the judge might like, but being healthy is more important.

Jenna's giving him a treat of  maple tree "helicopters" as a reward for walking nicely tonight.  Doesn't he look happy?

Pickles has one thing on his mind when he's out of his stuff!  It makes it a challenge to walk him, but he really is sweet.  After all, he's a goat!

We moved the wagon in their pen so that they can more easily reach the yummy tree leaves...

Pickles will go to great lengths to get to extra food.  He's quite the acrobat...

It's been fun interracting with these guys.  We had them out walking tonight, practicing for the 4-H Round-up, which is in less than two weeks.  Round-up is where 4-H'ers from all over the county come together with their projects...steers, dairy beef, pigs, sheep and goats for a show.  The kids have opportunities to win prize money for their animals and for showmanship, and it's great practice before their respective fairs, where they will again compete and then sell their animals.  It's a nice way to get an idea of how their animal looks in the eyes of the judges.

Next week, we'll wash Dilly and Pickles, get them clipped, trim their hooves, and do a "mock show" with Jenna's 4-H leader.  It will be a busy week!


  1. Glad he's doing well. I think it's much more important to raise healthy animals that trying to bulk them up past normal. Pickles does look like quite the character!

  2. Those appear to be mulberry leaves. When I was a kid we had a big mulberry that attracted beautiful birds. Baltimore orioles and scarlet tanagers. Have not seen a tanager since. What birds do you get?

    1. Yes indeed they are mulberry leaves. Mulberry trees are considered weeds here, but it grew to maturity long ago in a rather convenient spot, along with another weed tree...a Sassafras. It makes great shade for whatever animals we have in that pen! As for the birds...I haven't noticed birds that go specifically to that tree, but we do have a lot of cardinals, sometimes gold finches, and sometimes blue birds and tree swallows.

  3. Oh I am so happy Dilly is doing well. Pickles and Dilly are going to have fun and I see ribbons in the future. B

  4. That is wonderful and your daughter is so cute. I just love the look on her face. You can tell how attached she is to that goat.
    Lots of good memories doing all of that for 4H

  5. Aw, I just love looking at these goats! Your daughter is so pretty! I hope the goats behave nicely for the competition...hope you let us know the results. By the way, I love their names...Dilly and Pickles!

  6. Cute goats and Jenna looks like she really enjoys them! Good luck to her with the upcoming competitions! :)

  7. Your goats are cute! And the names are funny! Have fun at the goat show, let us know how things turn out!


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