Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Preparing For Roundup...

It's getting closer...Friday night is the 4-H Roundup where Jenna will show her goats.

There's a lot to do to get ready.  Last week we clipped their hooves and weighed both goats.  Dilly weighed in at 68 lbs. and Pickles at 66 lbs. so they're right on target.  Weighing is "interesting". They're heavy enough that I can't lift them very easily any more, so Jim holds them and steps on the scales with and without a goat.  They don't exactly like to be held!

On Monday, Jenna's 4-H leader came to help clip the goats, answer any last minute questions and give pointers for the show on Friday.  I must say, she has a great leader...he goes above and beyond to help out, especially with new(er) members.  It's a priority for him to help the kids have a good experience so that they continue with the program.

Monday morning bright and early, Jenna gave both goats a's easier to clip them if their coats are clean.  Surprisingly, for as much as goats don't like water, they actually seemed to enjoy their baths!  Maybe they just liked the attention...

Dilly is always a bit more high strung for things like this, but he did well.  Look how his ears are at attention...

Of course Murphy always needs to be in the middle of it all.  She parked herself a few feet away to make sure everything went well...

The goats had a little while to dry before Jenna's leader arrived for clipping. The cows were out of the barn this morning, so we put the blocking stand inside the barn and out of the sun for this job.  It's a time consuming job, about an hour total between the two goats, but it went pretty well.  Pickles did great.  Look who had to be right in the middle of things again. Can you find her?

While Dilly got clipped, Pickles was bored, but he found ways to amuse himself...

After they were all clipped, they got another dose of wormer, which Pickles immediately spit out.  We use "brand A" and Jenna's leader brought "brand B" along to dose them with, as it's good to use different kinds.  Some kinds work better on different types of worms, so this way our bases are covered.

Then Jenna did a brief run through of showing, with her leader pretending to be the judge.  The goats need to be used to being "set up" and touched.  If they freak out when the judge touches them, we have a problem!

The rest of the week here we'll continue walking them, wash them again on Friday, and head over to the fairgrounds for weigh in around 4 pm on Friday afternoon.  If you're not doing anything Friday night, come on over and watch the show!

On another update on my friend Glenda...

After being in a medically induced coma for 7 days, all sedation has now been stopped, and they are waiting for her to wake up.  We are waiting with her family, hoping and praying for her recovery.  Yesterday she began wiggling her toes and jerking her arm when a main nerve was pinched.  I haven't heard any updates on her progress today, as they are 3 hours behind us out in Oregon.  If you'd like to read her story and follow her progress, here is the Caring Bridge website.  Thanks for your prayers on her behalf!


  1. Alica...
    Looks like everyone is on track for the showing!
    Murphy looks like he's wishing for a little attention too.
    Careful Murphy.. you'll be next to be wormed~~~hee,hee.

    Best of luck with the showing!!!

    Good news about your friend also... it sounds like she's making progress in her recovery.
    Good signs.
    Going over to read her story.

    Smiles :)

  2. Jenna is doing a great job with her goats! :)
    I'm glad to hear your friend is responding and I hope she wakes up soon.

  3. Oh Jenna is such a pro. This sis going to be a fantastic week. Good luck.
    I will go to your friends link right now I do hope things continue to improve. That is so sad one minute enjoying your vacation then the next. We should all enjoy every minute. Hugs B

  4. They are very handsome young men! I hope they do well at the show.

  5. That's great! Your girls must be so excited to show their goats. I hope they do well and the goats are nice and calm. I love how your doggie is always where the action is at...that is sooooo cute!

  6. Good luck at the show! Are they Borer goats?

  7. First off, continuing prayers for Glenda.

    Second... I think it's admirable that the 4H leader takes time out of his schedule to teach the kids. This gives them such a great background, and more knowledge. Even if Jenna doesn't keep goats years down the line, she has learned so much from these two wethers. They are nice looking boys, too!

  8. I will continue to pray for full recovery and that she wakes up soon.
    Tomorrow is the big day. The goats look wonderful. My SIL was the goat girl at our fair. I always showed horses and steers. My brothers showed dairy cows and steers and sheep. My youngest brother showed hogs.
    That was all we knew my SIL by was the goat girl. It was years before we knew her name and years before she was my SIL. I wish she still had goats.
    I know you guys will have a lovely time. Nothing like fair week. :)

  9. A good 4-H leader is priceless. It sounds like your group has one. Best wishes to your girls and the goats and best wishes to your recovering friend.

  10. Can't wait to hear about the 4-H meeting, hope Jenna does well with her goats. Nothing new here, just hot and hotter.


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